Assemble a box or tub with the following: ___ 60 gallons of water – use the same water twice a day (water for cooking vegetables can also wash dishes) ___ 32 canned fruit with pull lids ___ 32 canned vegetables with pull lids ___ 21 cans of tuna, canned beef, […]
Pet Go Bag
Pet Go Bag Checklist A current color photograph of you and your pet together (in case you are separated) Copies of medical records that indicate dates of vaccinations and a list of medications your pet takes and why he or she takes them Proof of identification and ownership, including copies of registration […]
Auto Go Bag
Auto Go Bag Car Go Bag: You never know where you’ll be when a crisis occurs, so keep a box of supplies in the trunk of your car to sustain your family if stranded on the road. Food: dried fruit, snacks, cookies, granola, nuts Mess kit or Paper cups, plates, utensils Bandages, antibiotic ointment, antiseptic, […]
Adult Go Bag
Adult Go Bag · Backpack (the type kids take to school. All the items below will fit inside) Bible or favorite book · Gloves, both plastic and work type, cap · Small LED flashlight · Swiss Army type utility tool knife · Blanket (that takes into account winter temperatures, called Space Blanket) · Plastic […]
Go Bag
Help Your Child Prepare a Go-BagBy Rev. Dr. Toby Nelson, Disaster Pastor Empower your child to survive a disaster by helping him or her to assemble their own personal Go-Bag. Making a Go-Bag will equip them with tools and resources, and boost their confidence to face the future. This concrete action will reduce your […]