Auto Go Bag
- Car Go Bag: You never know where you’ll be when a crisis occurs, so keep a box of supplies in the trunk of your car to sustain your family if stranded on the road.
- Food: dried fruit, snacks, cookies, granola, nuts
- Mess kit or Paper cups, plates, utensils
- Bandages, antibiotic ointment, antiseptic, aspirin, antidiarrheal medicine, medical tape
- Local maps and road atlas
- Hand sanitizer and supplies
- Duct tape
- Writing supplies: Pencils, pens, notebook
- Copy of insurance policies, identification, bank records, medical records, copies of deeds
- Flashlight and extra batteries
- Portable NOAA weather radio (battery or hand-crank powered)
- Matches in waterproof container
- Whistle to signal for help
- Case of bottled water
- Extra set of keys for your home and car
- Infant/child necessities
- $300 cash (in small denominations)
- Prepaid phone card, Cellphone car charger
- Clothes: Sweater, waterproof jacket, hat, shoes
- Compact sleeping bag or space blankets
- Multitool, knife
- Fire extinguisher
- Jumper cables
- Light sticks or roadside flares
- Towline for hauling or towing
- Popular Mechangics
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